Residential Painting in Marietta, GA

Give Your Home a Fresh New Coat!

Peachtree Painters provides a high-quality residential painting in Marietta, GA, focusing our passion for excellent customer service into listening to what customers wants and fulfilling those needs with integrity and reliability.  If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy painting contractor, contact us for a free painting estimate.

Color Consultants

To further add value, one of our certified color consultants will visit each of our customers prior to their project to give guidance on the best colors and types of paint(s) to use.

Interior Painting in Marietta, GA

Our color consultants at Peachtree Painters love helping make your space your own. They will aid you in choosing just the right color and paint for your space.  We understand the process of interior painting can seem invasive and inconvenient. Our service team will work carefully to respect your space and family to minimize disturbances. No matter what interior space we are painting, our team strives to achieve the look you want.


  • Ensure all furniture and other personal items are covered.
  • Ensure all floors are covered for protection from spills and drips.
  • Tape and cover windows (when necessary).
  • Caulk, putty, and sand as needed.

Interior Components

Baseboards, bathrooms, bedrooms, cabinets, ceilings, crown molding, dining rooms, doors, family rooms, French doors, handrails, kitchens, laundry rooms, offices, play rooms, walls.

The Finished Product

At the completion of your project, we conduct a home-owner walk-thru to ensure our painters didn’t miss anything and that you are 100% satisfied with our work.

Residential Painting in Atlanta, GA

Exterior Painting in Marietta, GA

Giving your home a new coat of paint always improves curb appeal. It also provides the first line of defense against weather and bugs, helping to protect your investment. Long-lasting paint jobs require proper prep work and high-quality paint applied by professionals, all of which we offer at Peachtree Painters.

Residential Painting in Atlanta, GA


  • Pressure wash the entire home.
  • Caulk (corners, doors, gaps, nail holes, siding, and windows)
  • Cover windows, plants, and any other needed items to protect from overspray and dripping.
  • Apply primer or sealer.

Exterior Components

Garage doors, decks, exterior doors, patios, playhouses, shutters, storage sheds, stucco, window trim, wood siding.

The Finished Product

Along with performing a full cleanup, we walk all owners around the property to make certain our painters didn’t miss anything and that you are 100% satisfied with our work.

More Residential Painting Services We Offer

Light Carpentry

Rotting or warped siding or trim? Holes in drywall?  We can help on small repairs prior to painting. 


Deck Painting

Painting your deck by yourself can take too much of your time. Count on our team to strip and paint it, so you have more time to do other tasks.


Fence Painting

Make your fence last longer and look better. Trust our staff to take time and care in painting it.

Contact Us

Get in touch with one of our reliable staff members for more details about the services that we provide. We are more than willing to assist you!


Peachtree Painters Gallery

Adding COLOR to your life.