Exterior Painting in Marietta, GA
Giving your home a new coat of paint always improves curb appeal. It also provides the first line of defense against weather and bugs, helping to protect your investment. Long-lasting paint jobs require proper prep work and high-quality paint applied by professionals, all of which we offer at Peachtree Painters.
- Pressure wash the entire home.
- Caulk (corners, doors, gaps, nail holes, siding, and windows)
- Cover windows, plants, and any other needed items to protect from overspray and dripping.
- Apply primer or sealer.
Exterior Components
Garage doors, decks, exterior doors, patios, playhouses, shutters, storage sheds, stucco, window trim, wood siding.
The Finished Product
Along with performing a full cleanup, we walk all owners around the property to make certain our painters didn’t miss anything and that you are 100% satisfied with our work.
Peachtree Painters Gallery
Adding COLOR to your life.